


This is a direct consequence of India’s labor laws. Why would I hire labor when I can substitute it with capital and not have to put up with draconian requirements?

India’s labor laws are among the stringest in the worls, on par with Germany and France. US is by and large “at will employment” country.

Only 8% of the Indians are in the formal economy, it is for their benefit and protections these laws were designed. Other 92% can go go hell!

Indian politicians rail about jobless growth or ‘non inclusive’ growth all the time, not realizing that capital and labor are interchangeable. When capital is freed, as happened in 1991, and labor laws keep labor under tight control, rational entrepreneurs take the cue and use capital instead of labor.

Ishan Nadkarni is a young entrepreneur from Bombay. He is also a fellow IITB graduate.

Ishan stopped by other day at our office in San Mateo. He surprised me presenting me with a pencil sketch of me he had done several years ago as a student during one of my periodic visit to my alma mater. Very nicely done, I must say.

After an hour of session with me, he again surprised me with an email a day later. He had summarized the thoughts expressed by me during the meeting. It is very satisfying to see simple thoughts/ideas have such an impact. I think Ishan is going places!!!

Here is his email:

== Gospels of Truth – From Kanwal to Ishan ==
Keep your head down and keep working.
Expect no respect. Work hard and earn it.
Shift out of your comfort zone to leading, managing, selling to customers, running the company.
Grow faster as a person that the rate of your company’s growth.
Use spirituality to detach. And to manage yourself.
Talk to, listen and learn from consumers. Then iterate your vision and product according to market needs.
Business is mathematics. All said and done, the numbers have to make sense.
No army can walk on an empty stomach for long.

Thanks again for your time. I hope you liked the sketch 🙂


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Streamlining to run efficiently the state run enterprises is an oxymoronic idea. It is just not possible. Incentives are just not there, no body is going to get richer if the company is more profitable, as the stock is not listed where investors can reward the managers of a well run company. The state run enterprises, atleast in India are there to provide patronage by the politicians and bureaocrats and also also are a source of perks for them.

Time to privatize them or shut them down. Why does India need Air India? Its capacity to suffer infinite losses and still be able to fly is putting pressures on other players in the industry. Why does government need to run any business?

Like we used to say at IIT, fundas are just not clear!

My older brother Tony has a treasure trove of family memorabalia. This is a photo of mine he recently shared. It was taken at the time I was applying for IIT in 1963.

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