An excellent TiE history video!
Before TiE finally had an official ED; Jayashree Patil, Neera Gupta and late Hem Joshi were the volunteers that constituted the TiE back office.
It was a chaotic time. Answering people calling to join TiE, monthly meeting registeration work, keeping up the database and answering the emails. All this worked because Jayashree, Neera and Hem showed up at the TiE office every day. Keeping the TiE ofice functioning was a full time job for them!

Nitin is a man of many talents and a man for all seasons! A Harvard MBA, a McKinsey consultant, a VC/PE investor and an entrepreneur. He was also the idea man in early days of TiE. He helped structure TiE as a 501c(6) organization and collaborated with Suhas Patil in formulating by-laws of TiE. He inducted Chirag Karia as the first General Counsel of TiE. Chirag later moved to UK and was replaced by Raj Judge who still is TiE General Cousel after all these years.
Early on Nitin organized a retreat of TiE Charter Members in Sonoma to bond CMs and their families. As TiE started to expand beyond SV, these retreats became a way of bonding members globally. These retreats have been a favorite of mine. I have attended most of them. There was supposed to be one in Almaty this year.
The TiE Retreat at Ritz Carlton in Maui has never been matched. Nitin organized that. We had a bollywood band and a five star chef brought from Bombay for that. He had an artist making sketches of group activities. Those poster have been framed and are at TiE office in SV. It was a class act. CK Prahalad attended that and soon after, he penned The House of TiE paper

I would be remiss if I did not mention several othere individuals who participated in the founding of TiE in 1992 and 1993.Kailash Joshi should get an notable mention. He organized the original lunch with Mr. Vittal in 1991 that got the ball rolling. He was a speaker at the first TiE Confernce. He later succeeded me as the Third president of TiE SV.
Satish Gupta was very active as a volunteer, especially in marketing and content of the conference. He was in marketing at Cirrus with Suhas and later was a founder of Cradle Technologies.
Prabhu Goel was very much involved and helped Suhas finalize the by-laws. Prabhu Goel was an inventor of Verilog and changed the logic design from a drafting board to software. He was also founder of several companies about Verilog.
Prithipal Singh, Narpat Bhandari, Mohan Trikha, Rayudu S. Vrudhula, Deven Verma, Krishan Klara , Sucheta Kapuria, Gadasalli SatyaParveen Gupta were also active. Parvin as a matter of fact coined the word TiEcon.
Some of these folks may have played bigger roles than I recall. Others, especially Roy, Bipin and AJ, can add more color here.
My apologies to others whom I may have forgotten.