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Andy Grove, a former CEO of Intel, was fond of saying that. Inspite of that Intel missed the whole smart phone wave. It stayed focus on Wintel monopoly…
Always be selling is the mantra for the entreprenurs. Enterprenurs must have or acquire skills to sell very early on because entreprenurship is all about selling. In the…
David Jackson (name changed to protect the guilty) was the reason I became an entreprenur in 1982. David worked me for a couple of years at Singer Link…
Only one in fifty people in general population succeeds as an entrepreneur. Not very good odds, I must say. No wonder parents are not in favor of it.…
I took Ben and Raj-Ann to NYC during the Thanksgiving of 1992. We did the town but the highlight was going to the top of the World Trade…
My older brother Tony has a treasure trove of family memorabalia. This is a photo of mine he recently shared. It was taken at the time I was…
Oral history recorded for the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.Incidentally, interviewer late Jeff Katz was my office mate at my second job with Systems Engineering Lab…